What we're about

  • Have fun but be mindful when it can impact others negatively.

  • We're here because we enjoy running with the people we play with. We hope you do too.

  • Know your limits! Everyone has bad days.

  • Ask if you don't know. We can't read your mind if you don't understand something. If a problem arises, bring it up. All of the officers are willing to listen to try to resolve it.

  • Many of us are between 25-40 and we play a lot of other games together.

  • Our community being free of hate and welcoming to a variety of people from different backgrounds is our aim.

Raid rules

▪️ First and foremost, show up! If you won't be here, let us know. If 19 other people are waiting for you with no idea where you are, you might not be welcome back.▪️ Use consumables! Bring or get them from us! It's your responsibility to have flask/phial, weapon rune, and food buff each pull. Combat potions are a must for prog.
(We'll do some pulls with no consumes until we seem to grasp the fight.) Repeatedly ignoring the use of consumes may lead to you being sat or replaced.
▪️ BoE drops: We'll ask what you want to do. Equip them, roll them off, or have us sell them on the AH for a 25% cut to guild for consumables.▪️ Gear drops: We're not going to fight over it. Loot is something to be handed out based on how effective it will be for the group as a whole. Entitlement over whose bis is better isn't acceptable.▪️ Vault upgrades: Sim yourself! Get the simulationcraft addon (/simc in game) and head over to https://www.raidbots.com/simbot - Use Top Gear, Droptimizer, or Gear Compare.▪️ Try to focus when it's necessary. Excessive nonsense that detracts from the environment will be requested to stop. Know your audience before you act like an asshat. Coming to raid prog too trashed to function isn't cool.Repeatedly ignoring these very simple things can lead to you being sat and/or replaced.


Fight and performance reviewing:
▪️Hekili is a decent addon to help with your rotation. It's not perfect, but it may be of use for learning a new spec.
▪️Wipefest can help you learn what you might've missed during pulls.
▪️As can WoWAnalyzer. Some specs aren't working properly. It's not super accurate.
▪️Subcreation is okay for finding commonly used builds per fight/dungeon.
▪️Warcraftlogs is decent for looking at builds for each boss and spec, and can help you compare what casts people are using. For example, frost mage is what I've linked.

Class Discord ServersDeath Knight: https://discord.gg/Acherus
Demon Hunter (The Fel Hammer): https://discord.gg/zGGkNGC
Druid: https://discord.gg/Dreamgrove
Evoker: https://discord.gg/Evoker
Hunter (Trueshot Lodge): https://discord.gg/Trueshot
Hunter (Warcraft Hunters Union): https://discord.gg/uHgMzcH
Mage: https://discord.gg/makGfZA
Monk (Peak of Serenity): https://discord.gg/PeakOfSerenity
Paladin: https://discord.gg/HammerOfWrath
Priest (Warcraft Priests): https://discord.gg/WarcraftPriests
Priest (Focused Will): https://discord.gg/FocusedWill
Rogue: https://discord.gg/Ravenholdt
Shaman (EarthShrine): https://discord.gg/Earthshrine
Shaman (Ancestral Guidance): https://discord.gg/AcTek6e
Warlock: https://discord.gg/BlackHarvest
Warrior: https://discord.gg/SkyHold